5 Ways to Foster Creativity in the Workplace

Gone are the days when creativity was only expected from artistic professions like painters, writers and musicians. Innovation and creativity have become a necessity in the workplace. An entrepreneur comes up with a new idea and launches it in the market. After that, he cannot simply sit down and think that he has done a great job because now he is bound to be bombarded with competitors. He needs to keep fostering creativity. This is a general example of why the demand of being creative has become common in all companies whether small or large.

When you are too involved in your job, making room for creativity becomes more and more difficult. Inspired by the Meisha Rouser show, here are some ways you can keep your creativity and innovative powers lighting up.


1. Get out of your comfort zone

Working in an environment that’s constantly challenging will foster creativity. This is especially true when you are working with abilities that are natural to you,  because you are simply sitting in your comfort zone. It is when you constantly take up challenges, get out of your comfort zone and try to work your way through, that you bring out the creativity in you.

2. Think collaboratively

It’s no secret that we are social beings and ideas pop up with collaboration. In your workplace, there will be people who are ahead of you. Get some inspiration and motivation from their achievements. Embrace diversity of opinions and thoughts from those around you.  Great ideas area usually spurred and definitely built upon when done collaboratively. It’s necessary for your professional development. Creativity is NOT facilitated while you reside in separate compartments.

3. Be open to change

Do you resist change? Do you feel threatened when your routine is not the usual one? Great!  Your human.  Now stop. Being creative actually means being open to change rather than resisting it. It’s human nature to feel comfortable with the same old routine, but if you want to foster creativity in you and those around you, don’t remain stuck in the same routine. Show willingness to talk about new ideas and discuss with others. Change is a prerequisite for growth, so get on with it.

4. Keep moving forward

You don’t want to become an old dried up commodity right? Then don’t go all dry and stop being creative. When you do so, you add that dried up negativity in your workplace environment as well. Forget the past and concentrate on taking up new challenges with open hands and bringing about your creative side.

5. Avoid the elitist attitude

Don’t keep that elitist attitude. If you are on a management level, it is plain wrong to believe that only employees at your level can unveil creative solutions. You never know, even the person in the mail room may have extremely great ideas. Be humble in your attitude and create space for others to bring out their creative ideas as well.


You are bound to find a lot of great ideas in your workplace, but the thing is you need to choose, foster and apply the best ones. Let your company’s excellence remain rooted while you transform creative thinking into real projects, products and programs.

For more on sparking creativity, listen to the Meisha Rouser Show on the subject.